Here comes a rhyming word . This word is a fun to pronounce as you have already noticed . And yes it is pronounced exactly the way it is spelled that is tee·to·tal·ler.
Dictionary meaning (noun) -- One who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages.
Example sentence -- How dare you offer me vodka , don't you know that I am a teetotaler.
Fun description ---- A teetotaler can be described as I-am-tea-totaler or in beverages I only take tea and may be sometimes coffee. Even the alcohol in the cough syrup can give a 440 volt shock to a teetotaler . So life of a teetotaler becomes tough when he/she catches cough and cold.You offer a small beer to a teetotaler and you may better stay prepared to to get a piece of the teetotaler's mind .
So, the bottom-line is a teetotaler will only take tea to get taller but never a dose of vodka to get high. So , are you ready to become one such hardcore abstainer ?? Take your time and make the decision :)
P.S -- Becoming a teetotaler is not compulsory but remembering this awesome word surely is :P