Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#21-- Alchemical


First of all I apologize for not uploading anything yesterday ( 'apology' because I promised to do so ) . Anyways ... to compensate my sin I have come up with a great word today rather it's is a word of life(even if it's a bit common).  Trust me if you had anything like alchemical at your disposal then may be you would have been ruling this universe till now. Before I head to the meaning lets dissect its etymology .....Alchemical is the adjectival form of alchemy, which derives from the Arabic al-kimiya and the Ancient Greek khemeioa. Both roughly translate as "to pour the juices," a figurative description of the goal of alchemy to transmute the essence of one substance into another.

Dictionary meaning(adjective) -- Pertaining to the transformation of something common, usually of little value, into a substance of great worth (e.g. transmuting iron into gold)
Pronounciation -- \al-KEM-ik-uhl\
Example sentence -- The new fair and lovely for men is alchemical , it can make a Ussain Bolt look like Rohit Bal !!:P

Fun description -- Maybe there are nothing literally alchemical in this earth but that shouldn't hold our imagnation from flying !! Just imagine you are a super-geeky-alien scientist. With your great hard labor for over 20 years you have eventually formed an alchemical substance which shall turn anything into gold. So , after achieving such a substance , you , a genius yet mad scientist went to the market and neighborhood streets rambling and grabbing any street side junks you could come across. See the effect of alchemical has already started because now you don't seem to feel any stinks from those roadside rubbish of which you used to earlier complain.... because all of a sudden those shits seemed gold bars :P. Then after your hard work of crap-collection is over you finally reach home trudging with those unbearable fouls. Now comes the real EXAM. You went to your Lab-room where your alchemical invention is kept. You held your priceless work of years in your hand. You dip one side of the machine in the collected junk box and the other end hand in your hand. Now its time to hit the switch....but your hand is turning numb, your eyes wide, your whole body is shaking with a sense of achievement and anticipation. Then you say to yourself "ALL IS WELL" and hit the button. BROOOOM. 

Yes, all the junks got converted into gold ............ but with that.......... YOU too !! 

P.S. -- Look before you leap :)

1 comment:

  1. u r awesome yaar...its tooo good... keep it doing... good examples..the way you explain each word is outstanding... thank u soo much ..
