Saturday, January 8, 2011

#23 -- Mussitate


This is not to miss . You have your voice but you don't want others to hear that .... then this is your word. Just to say things without making a sound but with your athletic lips at your disposal. By the way... lets hint a bit of its etymology ....Mussitate comes from the Latin mussitāre, "speak indistinctly." Mutter also shares the same roots.
And its pronunciation goes like \MUHS-i-teyt\

Dictionary definition (verb) -- To silently move the lips in simulation of audible speech
Example sentence -- I don't want you to mussitate ... I want you to speak it loud and clear!!

Fun description -- We don't need any description here . You can find your own . Just go to your neighbourhood grocery shop and within all the chaos you start to mussitate your "chawal" and "daal" order. You won't be surprised if you get "Aata" instead of "Daal' and "Paapar" instead of "Chawal" .

By the way.... lets leave rice and wheat and move on to more useful stuffs... e.g. mussitating answers to your fellow mates when the exam is on. Not only mussitation ..... at first you look around to check that if any teacher is actually watching you or not and then if no one is watching.... you go for it but if a teacher is actually watching then you start rating the teacher on his/her strictness ... e.g. if he/she will take any action catching you on the act or just leave you giving a sweet little warning ..... after you are finished calculating the pros and cons ... you give it a shot . No less than a sleuth :P

P.S. -- Whatever you do in exam or in grocery that's your problem but you dare not forget this lovely word !! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011



" Dark ..... My whole world is dark "  ...... Yes , that's exactly what this word says !! If you are one of those nocturnal creatures who hates light then today's word is for you. Anyways.... lucifugous comes from the combination of Latin roots 'luci' which means 'light' and 'fugere' which means 'to flee' , as simple as that . And the pronounciation of this word goes like \loo-see-FOO-guhs\

Dictionary meaning (adjective) -- Avoiding light.
Example sentence -- I am not as lucifugous as you are .... so I need to fit a bulb in my bathroom :P

Fun Description -- VAMPIRES !! This creature had to come at first. Undoubtedly they are the most lucifugous species that we can think of (even if it's imaginary). By the way... what's the problem of vampires with light ?? I mean I am not a great vampire buff but many of "such buffs" say that their skin burns when it comes in contact with sunlight . But after I watched Twilight I saw Edward Cullen could easily walk around in daylight ..... made me scratch my head :P. By the way if any girl is reading this post right now then let me clarify I'm not saying anything against Edward anyway :P 
Moving from Vampires aka Edward , lets talk about a species called human beings. If we look a bit closer then we will see that this species is far more superior than a vampire because our skin doesn't get hampered remotely by any sun light and we are lucifugous too ( I mean we don't avoid light but we tend to do prefer dark). Night Clubs, Discos , Overnight parties even Overnight studies has made us embrace night more than day. People these days  feels way more lively in night and way more mortal in daylight :P Nothing against them .... rather nothing against us. 
But from the next  time when you come across any vampire in any tabloid form then remember that they are just not alone :)

P.S. -- Put off the light ...... you   ##&@#$@!$%^&## !! :P

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#21-- Alchemical


First of all I apologize for not uploading anything yesterday ( 'apology' because I promised to do so ) . Anyways ... to compensate my sin I have come up with a great word today rather it's is a word of life(even if it's a bit common).  Trust me if you had anything like alchemical at your disposal then may be you would have been ruling this universe till now. Before I head to the meaning lets dissect its etymology .....Alchemical is the adjectival form of alchemy, which derives from the Arabic al-kimiya and the Ancient Greek khemeioa. Both roughly translate as "to pour the juices," a figurative description of the goal of alchemy to transmute the essence of one substance into another.

Dictionary meaning(adjective) -- Pertaining to the transformation of something common, usually of little value, into a substance of great worth (e.g. transmuting iron into gold)
Pronounciation -- \al-KEM-ik-uhl\
Example sentence -- The new fair and lovely for men is alchemical , it can make a Ussain Bolt look like Rohit Bal !!:P

Fun description -- Maybe there are nothing literally alchemical in this earth but that shouldn't hold our imagnation from flying !! Just imagine you are a super-geeky-alien scientist. With your great hard labor for over 20 years you have eventually formed an alchemical substance which shall turn anything into gold. So , after achieving such a substance , you , a genius yet mad scientist went to the market and neighborhood streets rambling and grabbing any street side junks you could come across. See the effect of alchemical has already started because now you don't seem to feel any stinks from those roadside rubbish of which you used to earlier complain.... because all of a sudden those shits seemed gold bars :P. Then after your hard work of crap-collection is over you finally reach home trudging with those unbearable fouls. Now comes the real EXAM. You went to your Lab-room where your alchemical invention is kept. You held your priceless work of years in your hand. You dip one side of the machine in the collected junk box and the other end hand in your hand. Now its time to hit the switch....but your hand is turning numb, your eyes wide, your whole body is shaking with a sense of achievement and anticipation. Then you say to yourself "ALL IS WELL" and hit the button. BROOOOM. 

Yes, all the junks got converted into gold ............ but with that.......... YOU too !! 

P.S. -- Look before you leap :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

#20 -- fletcherize


This is another word which links with gulosity . Until and unless you chew how the hell can you eat. Anyways.... first of all lets take a glance at its etymology and to our awe its another eponym ( remember mithridate ? ) and this eponym is derived from someone who advocated a very useful but thoroughly funny fact..... yes, Fletcherize is named for the American dietician Fletcher Horace, who advocated chewing each bite of food at least 32 times in order to truly enjoy it ( that's a fact.... well is it ?? :O).

Dictionary meaning ( verb ) -- To chew (food) slowly and thoroughly.
Pronunciation -- \FLECH-uh-rahyz\
Example sentence -- If you want that meat to digest you literally need to fletcherize !! 

Fun  description :--  Well , what can I say when the American Deitician Fletcher Horace from whom this word is derived himself gave such a funny description " chewing each bite of food at least 32 times in order to truly enjoy it " :D (ROFL:D)!! 

But something serious that  Flecher Horace did miss is that people can chew not only food but another awesomely tasty thing that's your head. Yes, trust me. I don't even need to give any example because you must have had plenty of such situations to bear . Still for a recap ... remember the day when that  i-will-eat-you-alive-if-don't-hear-me type of a guy/girl in the restaurant who just wont let you go until he/she finishes narrating his/her story of midlife crisis thoroughly to you....... did'nt you feel like just tearing your hair apart ?? Atleast I felt like the same ( and i don't know what the bald people felt like tearing :P).  Well, whatever you felt like tearing .. the bottom line is this is called head-fletcherizing !!

By the way on a serious note do you really think that chewing 32 times actually enhances the taste of your food?? I tried a couple of times and the conclusion I could draw is that it actually enhances is your time (dunno about taste :P)  . I started eating that cup-cake chewing every piece 32 times and it took me half an hour to finish eating that 5min-finish stuff. Please...... Mr. F.Horace..... I have other jobs to do in a mere 24 hours than just eating !!  

P.S.-- Just to save you from being anymore head-fletcherized ... I logout now :P !!  By the way... I will definitely return to fletcherize you tomorrow again :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

#19-- tu quoque

tu quoque

Awesome word. The moral of this word is to blame the guy for same reason for which he blames you. If you did'nt get it then not to worry 'cause eventually you will . Well talking about etymology .... this word comes from Latin ( rather its a Latin term in itself) which means "you too". And its pronunciation goes like 'TOO-KWOH-kwee'  (don't get it wrong:)anyway)

Dictionary meaning (noun) - a retort charging an adversary with being or doing what he or she criticizes in others
Example sentence -- If I resort to tu quoque against you will be convicted of the same sin you see in others.

Fun description --  Well you can use tu quoque for many useful retorts. 
For example may have your boss always nagging you to change your childhood idiosyncrasies ..... it's time to stand on your feat and make your boss realize that his idiosyncrasies is nothing godly either !! Just go and say -- ' you need to learn manners while you you tell me do the same' (get the essence)
When someone says you -- " hey man ! you need to change your suit coz..... " then without letting him finish just make a quick statement -- " hey... ain't you wearing that same blazer for past 6 months ? " . That's tu quoque !!
Then lets say the guy next to you with those familiar curled eyebrows says to you -- " Can't you keep your mouth shu...." then you just need to interrupt in between ( right timing rules :P) and reply " Shut up !! you ain't letting me concentrate " :P

Lastly it helps specially in debates .... 'cause even if you have no point to say .... you are always free to resort to tu qouques against your opponent :)

P.S. -- Before you tu quoque me let me quit the scene now !! :)